The flowers used in Bach Flower therapy work on the emotional and mental state of the person. They are able to bring difficult feelings and emotions, which we all suffer from every so often, back into balance. Examples of such emotions are fear, stress, lack of self-confidence, depression, guilt feelings, sorrow,….
The flowers will not suppress these emotions, but flood them with their opposite positive side. The following example will illustrate this. The blossoms of Impatiens have the power to bring the emotion of impatience back into balance by bringing peace and patience.
Dr. Bach has discovered 38 flowers, each working on a specific emotion. He has divided them into different categories so that they are easier distinguished by their effectiveness. The different categories are: fear, uncertainty, insufficient interest in present circumstances, loneliness, over-sensitive to influences and ideas, despondency or despair and over-care for welfare of others. The group of fear consists of five flower essences, the group of uncertainty of six, the group of insufficient interest in present circumstances has seven flowers, the group of loneliness has three, the group of over-sensitive to influences and ideas has four, the group of despondency or despair has eight and the group of over-care for welfare of others has five flower essences.
In fact one of the Bach Flower Essence is not a flower. This is the Bach Flower Rock Water; here spring water is used from a natural source with healing power. The flowers used are all from trees, shrubs and plants that grow in the wild. These blossoms have the most authentic and most powerful energy.
By combining the Bach flowers any emotion which is out of balance can be treated. Dr. Bach did mention to only mix a maximum of seven flowers, as it would otherwise weaken the effectiveness of the Bach Flower remedies. Examples where Bach flowers can be applied are hyperactivity & concentration problems, sleep problems, stress, dejection, fears, breathing problems, baby blues, fear of flying,…. In fact you can use them for any problem where an emotion is involved. This makes the Bach Flower remedies a medicine, which can be used to compliment any other medication or therapy. With the advantage that Bach flowers do not influence another medication or therapy in a negative way. They also do not give any side effects and you can not over dose.
On the website you will find a number of effective combinations whereby the Bach Flower remedies were selected specifically applicable for that complaint.
Created by Tom Vermeersch
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
Which flowers are used for the Bach Flower therapy?
The flowers that are used come from plants, shrubs and trees that Dr. Edward Bach mainly found in England. There are only two flowers who were found in other countries,....
How should I take the Bach Flower remedies?
The Bach flowers combinations come in bottles of 50 ml. This consists mainly of water. There is a handy eyedropper included as well; this makes it easy to count the amount of drops.
Can Bach Flower Remedies be used for animals as well?
Bach Flower Remedies are extracts of flowers from plants, shrubs and trees that work on the emotions and feelings of humans and animals.
Can I take Bach Flower remedies together with other medication?
Lots of people are scared of the counteracting effect that Bach Flower remedies might have on the medication they are taking already.
How are Bach Flower Remedies made?
There are two methods in preparing Bach flowers, the sun method and the cooking method.
Is there alcohol in Bach Flower Remedies?
Bach Flower Remedies are extracts of flowers picked from trees, shrubs and plants. To transfer the energy from the flowers Dr. Bach did not use alcohol.
Are Bach Flower remedies herbal tinctures?
There is a lot of confusion about what Bach Flower remedies actually are and how they are made. Maybe it is good to explain where Bach Flower remedies come from.
Lots of people are afraid of taking Bach flowers during pregnancy.
Lots of people are afraid of taking Bach flowers during pregnancy. This is a normal reaction, as during pregnancy you need to be very careful about what you eat or do.
Chestnut bud & Bach flower mix 55
Read here for more information about how Chestnut Bud can help hyperactive children with concentration problems and read why a mix of Bach flowers is important.
For instance nothing will happen even when you would drink the whole bottle as a matter of speaking. You can not overdose.
The flowers used in Bach Flower therapy work on the emotional and mental state of the person. They are able to bring difficult feelings and emotions, which we all suffer from every so often, back into balance. Examples of such emotions are fear, stress, lack of self-confidence, depression, guilt feelings, sorrow,….
The flowers will not suppress these emotions, but flood them with their opposite positive side. The following example will illustrate this. The blossoms of Impatiens have the power to bring the emotion of impatience back into balance by bringing peace and patience.
Dr. Bach has discovered 38 flowers, each working on a specific emotion. He has divided them into different categories so that they are easier distinguished by their effectiveness. The different categories are: fear, uncertainty, insufficient interest in present circumstances, loneliness, over-sensitive to influences and ideas, despondency or despair and over-care for welfare of others. The group of fear consists of five flower essences, the group of uncertainty of six, the group of insufficient interest in present circumstances has seven flowers, the group of loneliness has three, the group of over-sensitive to influences and ideas has four, the group of despondency or despair has eight and the group of over-care for welfare of others has five flower essences.
In fact one of the Bach Flower Essence is not a flower. This is the Bach Flower Rock Water; here spring water is used from a natural source with healing power. The flowers used are all from trees, shrubs and plants that grow in the wild. These blossoms have the most authentic and most powerful energy.
By combining the Bach flowers any emotion which is out of balance can be treated. Dr. Bach did mention to only mix a maximum of seven flowers, as it would otherwise weaken the effectiveness of the Bach Flower remedies. Examples where Bach flowers can be applied are hyperactivity & concentration problems, sleep problems, stress, dejection, fears, breathing problems, baby blues, fear of flying,…. In fact you can use them for any problem where an emotion is involved. This makes the Bach Flower remedies a medicine, which can be used to compliment any other medication or therapy. With the advantage that Bach flowers do not influence another medication or therapy in a negative way. They also do not give any side effects and you can not over dose.
On the website you will find a number of effective combinations whereby the Bach Flower remedies were selected specifically applicable for that complaint.
The flowers that are used come from plants, shrubs and trees that Dr. Edward Bach mainly found in England. There are only two flowers who were found in other countries,....
Read the complete articleThe Bach flowers combinations come in bottles of 50 ml. This consists mainly of water. There is a handy eyedropper included as well; this makes it easy to count the amount of drops.
Read the complete articleBach Flower Remedies are extracts of flowers from plants, shrubs and trees that work on the emotions and feelings of humans and animals.
Read the complete articleLots of people are scared of the counteracting effect that Bach Flower remedies might have on the medication they are taking already.
Read the complete articleThere are two methods in preparing Bach flowers, the sun method and the cooking method.
Read the complete articleBach Flower Remedies are extracts of flowers picked from trees, shrubs and plants. To transfer the energy from the flowers Dr. Bach did not use alcohol.
Read the complete articleThere is a lot of confusion about what Bach Flower remedies actually are and how they are made. Maybe it is good to explain where Bach Flower remedies come from.
Read the complete articleLots of people are afraid of taking Bach flowers during pregnancy. This is a normal reaction, as during pregnancy you need to be very careful about what you eat or do.
Read the complete articleRead here for more information about how Chestnut Bud can help hyperactive children with concentration problems and read why a mix of Bach flowers is important.
For instance nothing will happen even when you would drink the whole bottle as a matter of speaking. You can not overdose.
Read the complete articleBach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.