22 typical problems for people who suffer from a lack of concentration

22 typical problems for people who suffer from a lack of concentration
22 typical problems for people who suffer from a lack of concentration

If you suffer with a lack of concentration, there can be a variety of causes of this. You may be suffering with stress for example, or anxiety or depression, or you may have physiological reasons for a lack of concentration. Tiredness is a major factor, as is poor diet. Hormonal changes can also be a reason why many women have trouble concentrating at key periods in their lives such as puberty, during pregnancy or approaching menopause. For most of us, concentration problems will be temporary, but that doesn’t stop us worrying about the issues here and now.

Do you suffer with a lack of concentration? Do you recognise these problems?

  1. You enter a room but can’t remember what you came in for.
  2. You go to the supermarket and you ‘know there was something else’ but can’t remember what it was.
  3. You put your keys/purse/wallet/spectacles down and can’t find them again “I know I put them somewhere!”
  4. You start something, perhaps a book or a craft project, but then you don’t finish what you were doing.
  5. You’re watching a television show or a movie and your mind wanders so much you can’t follow the plot
  6. You’re studying but can’t remember anything at all
  7. Your mind races from one thought to the next without pausing
  8. You are struggling to remember things in your short term memory
  9. You have difficulty forming coherent thoughts
  10. You start speaking but trail off
  11. You struggle with names
  12. You suffer with insomnia and your brain is too busy in the night, meaning you toss and turn
  13. It’s someone’s birthday and you forget to send a card
  14. You have an appointment and completely forget you’re supposed to show up
  15. You’re sat at your desk and feel paralysed with the weight of what you have to do and have no idea where to start
  16. You know you should keep some sort of diary or create a task list but haven’t got around to doing it
  17. You’re good at procrastination
  18. You’re easily distracted
  19. Too much noise in your environment means you can’t think straight
  20. You feel down or anxious and being low means you’re inclined to put things off, or feel ‘it isn’t worth it’.
  21. You have no enthusiasm for the task in hand
  22. You can’t focus on anything for very long at all.

You can improve your concentration

If you get to grips with what it is that is actually causing your concentration problems, then the chances are that you will be able to improve matters. The thing to remember is that concentration problems can range in intensity from slight, to moderate, to severe. They can come in waves, where the problem is really bad one minute but eases the next. It may be a temporary blip, a stressful period in your life. If you’re worried that it is anything more deeply rooted than this, then do take further advice.

Bach flowers mix 42: Concentration problems

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  • Concentrate better 
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