What to do about nomophobia?

What to do about nomophobia?
What to do about nomophobia

What exactly is nomophobia?

Nomophobia means ‘no-mobile-phone phobia’. It’s the fear of being without your mobile. The term itself was invented in 2010, by YouGov, a UK-based research organization. It is prevalent among teenagers and young people who never switch off their phones and want to be contactable at all times. YouGov found that 53% of UK men and 47% of women were nomophobic.

Similar research in the USA found that 65% of people sleep with their phones (the percentage is higher among college students) and 34% of respondents had answered the phone while being intimate with a partner.

Why do people become nomophobic?

Everyone wants to feel connected. Nowadays the internet and access to Wi-Fi or a network wherever we go, means that we can always be in touch with people. We simple become addicted to this, and in an insecure world, being connected means receiving approval from others. We like to feel approved of.

Nomophobia can be very serious

While we are being a little light hearted here, you should be aware that nomophobia can actually be very serious. If your addiction to your phone has persisted over a long period of time and is affecting your health – perhaps your ability to sleep, or your everyday life – you communicate better with friends via your mobile than face to face for example, then it really is time to wean yourself off it or seek professional help.


Depending on the severity of your nomophobia you may be able to access a variety of treatments. Exposure therapy for example, involves a therapist slowly exposing a person to the idea of being without their phone. This is then extended to being without the phone in reality for short periods of time, and building this up.

A cognitive behavioural therapist might work on overcoming the fear of being disconnected or without your mobile, while other specialists might recommend relaxation techniques to deal with your emotional and physical symptoms.

6 Tips to wean yourself off your phone

  1. Take control of your life. You should be the master not the servant of all technology. Your laptop and your phone should make your life easier, but not take over.
  2. Turn it off when it really isn’t needed
  3. Go a day a week without any technology
  4. Make sure you are engaging in face to face contact with people – and having real conversations
  5. Make a deal that you have equal amounts of screen time and personal contact
  6. Look at good sleeping habits and bar electronics from your bedroom. You’ll sleep so much better!

Marie Pure

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