The bachflowers for menopause are super
I hope it’s ok to address you so informally. First of all, let me say the Bach flowers for menopause are great.
Petra Jahnel *
You requested some feedback from me regarding the Bach Flower mix 40 that I ordered from you. After 2 months I am pleased to confirm that I sleep better...
Sylvia Bode *
About 6 weeks ago, I ordered two bottles of your mix 40 for Menopause. It only took two weeks to notice the first results...
Anita van Huet (Netherlands) *
Thank you so much, the drops have been great at helping me.
Carmen from Spain *
No hot sweats anymore and a lot more emotionally stable
No more hot sweats and I'm a lot more emotionally stable. The nausea and palpitations have also gone.
Anonymous *
What happiness to feel better!
I discovered Bach flowers through the advice of a friend. I chose Tom because he proposed a composition based on each particular issue.
Evelyne Caillaud *
Almost no more hot-sweats with the mix number 40
After a week of treatment, I notice the difference. I virtually have no more hot-sweats with mix number 40 for menopause.
Carine *
I have found out that the menopause mix is the only thing helping me
I have found out that the menopause mix is the only thing helping me. I sleep far better and my feelings of anxiousness have decreased greatly.
Anonymous *
Improved hot flashes and night sweats
First of all I would like to thank you for the good mix you provided to ward off hot flashes and night sweats. I have no more problems which is great.
Connie Bulsink *
I’d like to reorder straight away!
I just wanted to contact you again to tell you that I have been taking Bach flower mix 40 since September and my menopause symptoms have already decreased a bit.
Anonymous *
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
I hope it’s ok to address you so informally. First of all, let me say the Bach flowers for menopause are great.
Read the complete testimonialYou requested some feedback from me regarding the Bach Flower mix 40 that I ordered from you. After 2 months I am pleased to confirm that I sleep better...
Read the complete testimonialAbout 6 weeks ago, I ordered two bottles of your mix 40 for Menopause. It only took two weeks to notice the first results...
Read the complete testimonialThank you so much, the drops have been great at helping me.
No more hot sweats and I'm a lot more emotionally stable. The nausea and palpitations have also gone.
I discovered Bach flowers through the advice of a friend. I chose Tom because he proposed a composition based on each particular issue.
After a week of treatment, I notice the difference. I virtually have no more hot-sweats with mix number 40 for menopause.
I have found out that the menopause mix is the only thing helping me. I sleep far better and my feelings of anxiousness have decreased greatly.
First of all I would like to thank you for the good mix you provided to ward off hot flashes and night sweats. I have no more problems which is great.
I just wanted to contact you again to tell you that I have been taking Bach flower mix 40 since September and my menopause symptoms have already decreased a bit.
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.