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How can I help my child achieve their dreams?

How can I help my child achieve their dreams

Children's imaginations know no limits and their dreams are a mix of hopes and fantasies, the real and the magical, the impossible and the achievable. Children understand that anything can happen! As parents, our role is to encourage our youngsters in every way we can. Let’s take a look at the best ways you can help your child to achieve their goals.

Don't deny their dreams

To help your child to achieve their goals, you need to start right now! While a parent’s job is, of course, to make sure their child has the basics of food, clothing and a safe, comfortable home, this is not enough. A parent should also strive to ensure that their child can fulfil his or her potential. Parents with a controlling attitude or who have a dismissive, negative attitude will shut down their child’s dreams and ambitions.

Whether your child wants to be a vet, an archaeologist or a prima ballerina, don't deny their dreams or try to create obstacles. If you’re dismissive about their dreams, if you don't provide them with good education and if you fail to teach them the life skills they need to achieve their goals, you are standing in their way and creating a barrier to their success.

Be a good role model

Children learn by imitation, by mirroring what they see you do. This can be positive or negative, it depends on how you act. Ask yourself: do you want your child to see you behaving in a “Can’t be bothered” way or in ways that will teach them to be resilient and help them to overcome the challenges that life will bring. 

Success in life depends on your determination and skills. While a comfortable level of income certainly helps, achieving your dreams does not depend solely on the class or level of wealth you were born to.

Conversely, whether they are born to poor or rich parents, anyone can fail. What matters is that you raise your child with the principle that a person can achieve anything they set their mind on, as long as they work hard and stick at it.

Help them to plan

When children are very young, they love to role play and this will influence their dreams for the future. One day they might want to be a racing driver, the next day a doctor and the next, an airline pilot. This is only natural. But as they grow older, you will probably notice their attention becoming focussed on more specific interests and they might develop these into a dream. 

Some dreams might seem nearly impossible but it's never too soon to help your kids to start planning for success. How can you support them to do this?

  1. Help them to define their goals by writing them down. This helps them to seem more achievable and real.
  2. Work with your child to research what they need to do to achieve their dreams. Find out if there are any practical steps you need to take.
  3. Create a timeline of when your child could potentially achieve their goal. This could be anything from their teenage years if they dream of being a sports star to a decade or more later if they are aiming for success in a professional field.

Help them to set mini goals

Your child’s dream might seem so unattainable that they are tempted to give up. Help them to persevere by breaking it down into a series of smaller goals.

In Step 2 above, you and your child will have learnt what specific skills and knowledge they will need. This could be learning a language, practising a musical instrument or taking extra tuition in a specific subject. If your child is easily distracted, Bach Flowers Mix 55 is formulated with chestnut buds to help improve concentration.

Support and encourage them

However determined and motivated your child is, your support and encouragement are essential. You are the person your child looks up to above all others and they know you’re always there to boost their confidence if they become dejected. 

Always be available to listen to their fears and anxieties. Be positive about everything they have achieved and offer your support without attempting to control their actions. If your child is inclined to become dejected when things don't go according to plan, a course of Bach Flowers Mix 66 can be very helpful in coping with stress and preventing them from becoming discouraged.

Achieving a dream can be a long and difficult road for your child and as a parent, you can make a greater difference to their success or failure than anyone else. If you give your child a good start in life, they will have the resources needed to go the distance.

Created by Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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How can I help my child achieve their dreams?

How can I help my child achieve their dreams?
How can I help my child achieve their dreams

Children's imaginations know no limits and their dreams are a mix of hopes and fantasies, the real and the magical, the impossible and the achievable. Children understand that anything can happen! As parents, our role is to encourage our youngsters in every way we can. Let’s take a look at the best ways you can help your child to achieve their goals.

Don't deny their dreams

To help your child to achieve their goals, you need to start right now! While a parent’s job is, of course, to make sure their child has the basics of food, clothing and a safe, comfortable home, this is not enough. A parent should also strive to ensure that their child can fulfil his or her potential. Parents with a controlling attitude or who have a dismissive, negative attitude will shut down their child’s dreams and ambitions.

Whether your child wants to be a vet, an archaeologist or a prima ballerina, don't deny their dreams or try to create obstacles. If you’re dismissive about their dreams, if you don't provide them with good education and if you fail to teach them the life skills they need to achieve their goals, you are standing in their way and creating a barrier to their success.

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Be a good role model

Children learn by imitation, by mirroring what they see you do. This can be positive or negative, it depends on how you act. Ask yourself: do you want your child to see you behaving in a “Can’t be bothered” way or in ways that will teach them to be resilient and help them to overcome the challenges that life will bring. 

Success in life depends on your determination and skills. While a comfortable level of income certainly helps, achieving your dreams does not depend solely on the class or level of wealth you were born to.

Conversely, whether they are born to poor or rich parents, anyone can fail. What matters is that you raise your child with the principle that a person can achieve anything they set their mind on, as long as they work hard and stick at it.

Help them to plan

When children are very young, they love to role play and this will influence their dreams for the future. One day they might want to be a racing driver, the next day a doctor and the next, an airline pilot. This is only natural. But as they grow older, you will probably notice their attention becoming focussed on more specific interests and they might develop these into a dream. 

Some dreams might seem nearly impossible but it's never too soon to help your kids to start planning for success. How can you support them to do this?

  1. Help them to define their goals by writing them down. This helps them to seem more achievable and real.
  2. Work with your child to research what they need to do to achieve their dreams. Find out if there are any practical steps you need to take.
  3. Create a timeline of when your child could potentially achieve their goal. This could be anything from their teenage years if they dream of being a sports star to a decade or more later if they are aiming for success in a professional field.

Help them to set mini goals

Your child’s dream might seem so unattainable that they are tempted to give up. Help them to persevere by breaking it down into a series of smaller goals.

In Step 2 above, you and your child will have learnt what specific skills and knowledge they will need. This could be learning a language, practising a musical instrument or taking extra tuition in a specific subject. If your child is easily distracted, Bach Flowers Mix 55 is formulated with chestnut buds to help improve concentration.

Support and encourage them

However determined and motivated your child is, your support and encouragement are essential. You are the person your child looks up to above all others and they know you’re always there to boost their confidence if they become dejected. 

Always be available to listen to their fears and anxieties. Be positive about everything they have achieved and offer your support without attempting to control their actions. If your child is inclined to become dejected when things don't go according to plan, a course of Bach Flowers Mix 66 can be very helpful in coping with stress and preventing them from becoming discouraged.

Achieving a dream can be a long and difficult road for your child and as a parent, you can make a greater difference to their success or failure than anyone else. If you give your child a good start in life, they will have the resources needed to go the distance.

Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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Tom Vermeersch

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